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Homework will be set on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. The details of each week's homework will be posted weekly below.


The homework will be set on Century Tech. There will be six nuggets for the children to complete (three maths and three English) based on what we have been learning that week. The children can login here: Century Tech Login Page.


As well as this, it is incredibly important that Year 4 are practicing their times tables! Children should complete 5 soundcheck Games on TTRockstars each week, hoping to score more points each time! The children can log in here: TT Rockstars Login


Additionally, the children should be reading for two hours every week and should update their reading diaries daily with a summary of what they have read. Once they have read their book, they need to complete a short quiz about their book on Accelerated Reader. The children can login here: Accelerated Reader Login Page.


Each half term, children must reach 5 Accelerated Reader points. Every Thursday, I will be checking and signing the children's diaries and monitoring their point progress. Therefore, they must bring their reading diary in on that day.


Homework: Friday 20th September due Wednesday 25th September


This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:

  • Place value with 4 digits
  • Finding 1000 more/less
  • Counting in multiples of 3


The children must also complete 5 TTRockstars soundchecks every week. 


The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, spelling and punctuation learning from this week. They are:

  • Nelson and the Egg (reading) 
  • Verbs
  • Consonants and vowels


Spellings to practice:


decide, particular, quarter, question, continue, minute


Optional RE Homework (worth 2 dojo's!) 

This week, we learnt about Abraham and Isaac and how Abraham was willing to sacrifice for his faith. Can they children re-write the story? It could be a story or a diary entry which explains the story.


