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Class 1

Welcome to Class 1

Miss Grocott


Spring Term


Hello! I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas! Please see below to find out about what your children will be learning this term.


If you need anything, please feel free to contact me via Class Dojo or to speak to me on the playground before/after school.



The children will start the year by learning about traditional tales. We will be reading the Gingerbread Man and be retelling the story. We will then innovate our own version by creating our own character to replace the Gingerbread Man in the story. We will be writing character descriptions about our characters. We will then learn about instructions. We will write our own instructions on how to make Gingerbread Men and follow them to make some! Finally, we will be doing a rhyming poetry unit.





In the Spring term, the children will building on their understanding of 10 and applying it to help us understand numbers up to 50. They will learn how to:


  • Count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Find one more and one less
  • Compare numbers, lengths, capacity and weight
  • Order numbers
  • Add and subtract
  • Find doubles and near doubles
  • Solve word problems
  • Measure with a ruler





RE will be taught by Mrs Rogers. In the Spring term, the units the children will study are:


  • Jesus - Teacher and Healer: This unit will help the children to understand Jesus and his ministry as a teacher and healer. They will also explore how the Church continues his ministry today and how Christians are called to follow Jesus' example.
  • Forgiveness: This unit will help to develop the children's understanding of forgiveness being a gift we receive and a way to show love to others. They will also explore different choices and the consequences they have.
  • Lent: During this unit, the children will learn that Lent is a time of change and of growing to be more like Jesus.
  • Holy Week: The children will learn about the events of Holy Week and how they tell the last days of Jesus' life on Earth. In particular, they will explore Palm Sunday, the Last Supper and the Stations of the Cross.
  • Easter: This unit will help the children to understand that Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.


We will also be celebrating our Class Saint - The Holy Family - on 12th February. Keep an eye out for updates on how you can join in with our celebrations!



These are the prayers that your child will be learning throughout Year 1. Please try to practise these at home to reinforce them.



The children's Spring topic in Science is 'Animals'. They will be able to name the 5 different animal groups and recognise which animals belong in each group by identifying their similarities and differences. They will also explore animal diets and be able to describe animals as carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. The children will look at humans and will be able to recognise different body parts and the 5 senses.


The children will also continue their 'Seasons' unit, which will continue throughout the year. They will learn what the four seasons are and observe what it is like during Winter and Spring.





History will be taught by Mrs Rogers. The children's Spring term unit is all about Kings and Queens. They will learn about different English Kings and Queens, and be able to place them in chronological order. They will focus particularly on Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. They will also learn about castles and their history.





Geography will be taught by Mr Ord. In the Spring term, the children will learn about weather and climate. They will explore how the weather changes throughout the four seasons. They will also think about the different types of weather we experience in the UK. The children will learn about extreme weather types and use an atlas to identify hot and cold places around the world.





PE will be taught on Friday afternoons by Mrs Pemberton. The children should come dressed in their PE kit on this day. The children will be focusing on developing their fundamental movement skills - agility, balance and coordination - through a range of activities.





In an ever-growing technological world, being computer literate is more important than ever! Using Purple Mash, the children will begin the term by learning how to use direction keys and algorithms to complete mazes. They will use their skills to create their own digital mazes. After, the children will learn about e-books and create their own e-books using the Chromebooks.





Art will be taught by Miss Daws. The children's Spring unit will explore the artist Barbara Hepworth. The children will learn about her life and work. They will explore with clay to create different shapes and textures. They will then create their final sculpture inspired by Barbara's work.





DT will be taught by Miss Gould. In the Spring term, the children will be creating windmills. They will be designing their windmill for a mouse who is very particular about what he wants! The children will think carefully about the colours and their design before carefully constructing their windmill using a range of materials.





Music will be taught by Mrs Rogers. This term, the children will explore the question - how does music make the world a better place?  They will focus on the skill of listening and responding to music, by finding the beat of different styles of music and answering questions about what they have heard. The children will develop a range of other skills including playing instruments, improvising and composing. This will help them to understand a range of musical vocabulary including pulse, rhythm, tempo and pitch. They will also explore the Musician of the Month.





In the Spring term, PSHE will focus on our feelings. We will explore different emotions that we feel and how they can be good or bad feelings. We will learn strategies to help us to manage our emotions when they become overwhelming. We will then focus on friendships and thinking about how we can ensure we have healthy relationships with our peers.



In the Spring term, our Vehicle will be all about the Live Simply Campaign. We will be thinking about how we can live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with others. We will be participating in a number of whole school events, such as the Great Lent Walk, as well as focusing on one particular aspect in Class.


