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Class 1

Welcome to Class 1

Miss Grocott


Summer Term


Hello! I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break! Please see below to find out about what your children will be learning this term.


If you need anything, please feel free to contact me via Class Dojo or to speak to me in the morning/after school.



This term, the children will begin by learning all about 'Adventure Stories'. They will read a range of different stories and explore the different features, before having the opportunity to retell their own version of 'Zog' by Julia Donaldson. I know the children will love using their imagination! After, we will move onto writing non-chronological reports and finish the year by creating our own five senses poems inspired by one of the four seasons.





In the Summer term, the children will build on their understanding throughout the year of number, whilst being introduced to multiplication, division, fractions, money and time. They will:


  • Learn how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s
  • Make and add equal groups
  • Share equally
  • Find a half and a quarter of a shape
  • Describe turns, positions and directions
  • Count and compare numbers up to 100
  • Recognise different coins and notes
  • Tell the time to the hour and the half hour





RE will be taught by Mrs Rogers. In the Summer term, the units the children will study are:


  • Easter: This unit will help the children to understand the season of Easter as a celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus.
  • Pentecost: This unit will help the children to understand the story of Pentecost. They will be able to recognise the symbols associated with the Holy Spirit and understand that the Holy Spirit is God.
  • Sharing Jesus' Life: This unit will focus on the disciples and their work. It will help them to understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus and follow in his life.
  • Following Jesus Today: This unit will help the children to understand about the Church and the different ways that we, as members of the Church, follow Jesus.



These are the prayers that your child will be learning throughout Year 1. Please try to practise these at home to reinforce them.



The children's Summer topic in Science is 'Plants'. They will be able to identify and sort different types of plant. They will be able to grow their own plants, understanding what a plant needs to survive. They will also be able to identify the difference between evergreen and deciduous trees.


We will also be continuing our learning about the four seasons, by exploring what happens in Summer.





History will be taught by Mrs Rogers. The children's Summer term unit will explore flight. The children will learn about the Wright Brothers, who were the creators of the first ever aircraft. They will look how technology has improved since this time through the lives of other significant individuals such as Amy Johnson.





Geography will be taught by Mr Ord. In the Summer term, the children will be learning about the seven continents and five oceans. They will learn the names of the continents and oceans, and will be able to identify them on a map.





PE will be taught on Friday afternoons by Mrs Pemberton. The children should come dressed in their PE kit on this day. The children will be focusing on developing their fundamental movement skills - agility, balance and coordination - through a range of activities.





Computing will be taught by Mrs Yorke. In an ever-growing technological world, being computer literate is more important than ever! Using Purple Mash, the children will begin the term by learning how to code and writing their own simple codes. They will then explore spreadsheets and see how they are useful. Finally, the children will finish the year by exploring technology outside of school.





Art will be taught by Miss Daws. The children's Summer unit will explore the artist Alfred Wallis. The children will study his life and artwork by developing their drawing, painting, oil pastel and mixed media skills. They will use their work to create their own seascape, inspired by Wallis.





In DT, the children's first unit is structures. They will learn what a structure is and how to effectively build a secure structure. They will then use their knowledge to build a working windmill. After, the children will take part in the 'Inventor's Challenge'. They will have the opportunity to be innovative and come up with their own invention.





In Music, the children will explore the question - what songs can we sing to help us through the day?  They will focus on the skill of performance, which will be further developed through our Summer Concert performance. The children will develop a range of skills including playing instruments, improvising and composing. This will help them to understand a range of musical vocabulary including beat, rhythm, tempo and pitch.





In the Summer term, PSHE will focus on keeping safe. We will learn about how we can keep safe both online and in real life. We will also learn about who we can talk to if things go wrong.





In the Summer term, our Vehicle will be all about Caverswall Castle. We will learn about the history of the castle, and compare this to our prior understanding about other castles, including Warwick Castle. We will make castles, using our DT knowledge of structures, create artwork and complete many more exciting activities which we can't wait to share with you.



Pictures from Year 1 2022/2023
