Our School Curriculum
At St. Filumena's we deliver the whole National Curriculum expectation. However, our school curriculum is more than the National Curriculum alone: it is everything that a school does to contribute to the development of each and every child from the time it opens to the time it closes each day.
Recognising this fact, we have developed a rich school curriculum that seeks to serve our vision of Future Readiness through 'Curriculum Vehicles'. These are largely subject neutral learning themes that teach the National Curriculum expectations and often go beyond its scope to equip our pupils with essential future ready skills. Our children are enjoying learning through a 'vehicle' and are able to make links between the various curricular subjects and how they all build to a real life end outcome.
The 'Curriculum vehicles' go beyond the National Curriculum to incorporate the following key values:- metacognition and self-regulated learning, teamwork, Gospel values and British Values, managing feelings and behaviours, managing relationships, cultural appreciation, managing time and resources, global awareness and responsibility.