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Homework will be set every Friday and will be due in the following Wednesday. Activities should be completed in the children's homework books and will consist of a maths, English and RE activity which will help to consolidate the children's learning from the week. There will also be other fun, optional tasks set which link to other areas of the curriculum!


On top of any written homework, we ask that you listen to your child read daily and record this in their reading diary. Reading is so important and practising every day will help your child to develop and become fluent. Thank you for your support with this.


As well as reading their school, RWI book, we also encourage reading for pleasure. This is time where you can read to your child or you can read together! Each Friday, the children will bring home a new reading for pleasure book for you to enjoy and share as a family. Some of these books will be on the recommended read list below. Can you read them all?
