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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2!

Class Teacher: Mr Ord

Support Staff: Mrs Pemberton / Mrs Bowyer / Mrs Mulley

The summer term has arrived for Year 2 and we have lots of new interesting topics to explore.


Below is a summary of what we will be studying for our third and final term:




Stories By The Same Author:

In our first unit back, we will be reading a book by the significant authorRoald Dahl. We will be summarisingpredicting and analysing events in the story considering the ways that the author engages the reader. We will then write our own story using compound sentences, apostrophes, in third person and writing in the past tense. 


Non-Chronological Reports:

We will immerse ourselves in this unit by comparing paper and ICT-based non-chronological reports on the same theme. We will explore the purpose of contents and index and how to answer specific questions using the text. We will identify common features and evaluate the effectiveness of the text layout in supporting readers to find information.


Silly Poems:

We will explore and read silly poems and other humorous texts that play with language, for example riddles, language puzzles, jokes and nonsense sentences. We will respond to these through drama and discuss what we think about the way the writer has chosen and used words to achieve the humour and capture language ideas that we can use and apply in our own poems.





Unit 11: Position & Direction



In this unit, we will focus on describing position in relation to other objects. This will include describing lateral and rotational movement and describing and completing repeating patterns. This will build on their understanding of fractions and shape. This unit also helps to develop logical thinking in order to follow and describe sequences of movement.


Unit 12: Problem Solving & Efficient Methods



In this unit, we will recognise and use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction and use this to check calculations and solve missing number problems. We will also solve problems involving multiplication and division, using arrays, repeated addition, mental methods and multiplication and division facts, including problems in context.


Unit 13: Time



In this unit, we will tell and write the time to five minutesincluding quarter past/to the hour and draw the hands on a clock face to show these times. As well as this, we will compare and sequence intervals of time with our knowledge of the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day.


Unit 14: Weight, Volume & Temperature



In this unit, we will compare and order lengths, mass, volume/ capacity and record the results. We will choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, thermometers and measuring vessels.





In this unit, we will understand some of the stories of Easter from the New Testament and some of the symbols that the Church use to celebrate the Season.



In this unit, we will know the story of Pentecost and of the activity and presence of the Holy Spirit. The unit also focuses on the way Pentecost is celebrated in the Church and Confirmation being the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit.


Our Church:

In this unit, we will consider what it means to belong to God’s Family. We will focus on the role of the parish and people with special responsibilities.


The Mass:

In this unit, we will develop our understanding of the structure of the Masswhat is taking place and focus on seeing Christ present when we gather, in the Word and in the Eucharist.





Living Things and Their Habitats:

We will continue our learning of living things and their habitats by considering micro-habitats in an area of the school grounds and considering how plants will be useful to the living things in our environment.



We will also observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. We will find out and describe how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy.






The UK Compared To Africa:

We will be looking at a small area in UK compared to small area of a non-European country, Zambia in South Africa. We will learn about the physical features such as River Zambezi and Victoria Falls and the human aspects such as schooling, jobs and housing of the areas and compare the two.






The Lives Of Significant Individuals:

This half term, we will learn about who Mary Seacole was, and the important work she did in the Crimean War. We will learn how she came from Jamaica, funded her own trip to Crimea and set up her own 'hotel' on the frontlines to help soldiers. We will also learn about how later in life, she fell onto hard times before being supported by those she had helped. Next half term, we will look at Florence Nightingale and compare her to Mary Seacole. 





Andy Goldsworthy:

We will be learning all about the famous sculptor and photographer and his land art. Throughout this unit, we will be using our observational skills to draw, sculpt and photograph using nature around us as inspiration. We will also study the work of Nancy Holt (another land artist and sculptor) and compare the artists’ styles.





Structures: Baby Bear Chairs:

Using the tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears as inspiration, this unit will see us help poor Baby Bear by making him a brand new chair. Building on our knowledge of structures, we will work on a design criteria that considers his needs and his likes. We will also experiment with different shapes and materials so we can construct and evaluate a structure that is strong, stiff and stable; a structure that is 'just right' for Baby Bear.





PE is on a Thursday afternoon and pupils need to come to school in their PE kits. 


Our first unit this term will focus on physical skills; exploring how we can move with good control and consistency. We will then move onto a unit that explores health and fitness where we will learn how exercise impacts our bodies. As well as these units, our PE lessons will include how to play French cricket and finally move onto athletics in preparation for Sports Day.






In the Summer term, Year 2 will be using computing technology to create artwork. They will explore a range of artists and create their own representations of these images through use of different materials online.  The children will compose music using a computer program, they will incorporate sounds and upload sounds. Finally the children will present different ideas through stories, fact files and presenting ideas. 




The units that we will be exploring are: How does music shape our way of life? How does music connect us with the environment? We will be building on the children's knowledge from Year 1 through playing instruments, singing, improvising and composing music. 


During the Summer term, children will be particularly focusing on composing using percussion instruments and the glockenspiels, and performing, which will be enhanced through their Vehicle and the Summer concert!
