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Class 4

Welcome to Class 4! 

Miss Daws



Welcome to Class 4!


Please see below for details about what the children will be studying throughout the term.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to message me on Class Dojo!


Our Class Saint

Year 4's class saint is St. Vincent De Paul. We celebrated their feast day back in September! 


Throughout the summer term, we will take part in three English units. These will be a narrative unit, a discussion text and an image poem. 

Our first unit will be all about stories from imaginary settings. We will use the wonderful text Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to explore imaginary settings and how to make our chocolate setting sound dream-like! We will focus on a number of techniques to ensure our writing is persuasive and descriptive. Mmmm, my mouth is watering at the thought! 


Guided Reading

In addition to our English lessons, the children will also have two Guided Reading sessions a week. The text focus will change each week (meaning we get to read a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.) In these sessions, we will focus on using our VIPERS skills.

These consist of vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising.



Over the summer term, the children will cover a range of units to support their knowledge base. 

We begin with two units about decimals. Our decimal units will begin by identifying how to represent tenths as decimals. We will then move on to comparing decimals and building up to multiplying and dividing by 10 or 100 with a decimal answer. 

We will then move on to a unit about money where we focus on giving change and using decimals to represent pence. 

We will also cover time, geometry and statistics as we move into the second part of the summer term. 


We start the Summer term learning all about Easter and the importance of this to our liturgical calendar. We will read the four gospel accounts about the resurrection and think about how this is such an important event for Catholics. 

After this, we will then complete a unit about the Pentecost where we consider the holy orders.



In Geography, our unit is all about UK and Rivers. 

In this unit we will:

  • locate where they live in the UK using more precise locational terminology.

  •  Locate UK rivers and their sources.

  • Explain the water cycle

  • Compare and contrast rivers of the UK

  •  Causes and impacts of flooding



In History, Class 4 will be focusing on The Tudors. We will consider where this is placed on our historical timeline and how it links to our previous learning.  Through the unit, we will be focusing on cause and consequence and continuity and change. We will learn about the change in the rulings in the church and how King Henry VIII's influence changed this. By the end of the unit, we will be able to compare how life was different for different people during the Tudor period. 



In Art, the children will be focusing on an artist called Henry Moore. Through this unit, the children will experiment with clay through our sculpting learning. We will experiment in the style of Moore through sketching and playing with different materials. Our final piece will then be constructed using clay. 



Science will be taught by Miss Grocott. Our new unit is all about Living Things and their habitats. Over the course of the unit, the children will take part in scientific enquiries and will set up their experiments using scientific knowledge and vocabulary.



Hola! Our unit in the Summer term is all about 'la cafeteria'. This means we will be learning key words for things we eat in a cafe such as coffee, sandwiches and orange juice. By the end, we will be able to say our order in a cafe!



DT will be taught by Mrs Deighton. In DT, the children will be making slingshot cars. They will focus on key terms such as mechanism and chassis. These key words will help them to consider the best way to construct their design.



This term, the children will return to their swimming on a Wednesday. The children will be taught by instructors who will teach them how to say safe in the water and how to develop their stroke when swimming.



The children will be learning about animation. They will use different software to create an image which moves. 


