Class 4
Welcome to Class 4!
Miss Daws
Welcome to Class 4!
Please see below for details about what the children will be studying throughout the term.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to message me on Class Dojo!
Our Class Saint
Year 4's class saint is St. Vincent De Paul.
Throughout the spring term, we will take part in three English units. These will be a narrative unit, a discussion text and an image poem.
Our first unit will be all about stories from imaginary settings. We will use the wonderful text Charlie and the Chocolate Factory to explore imaginary settings and how to make our chocolate setting sound dream-like! We will focus on a number of techniques to ensure our writing is persuasive and descriptive. Mmmm, my mouth is watering at the thought!
Guided Reading
In addition to our English lessons, the children will also have two Guided Reading sessions a week. The text focus will change each week (meaning we get to read a range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry.) In these sessions, we will focus on using our VIPERS skills.
These consist of vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising.
This term, we will continue learning about multiplication and division. We will ensure we can use a range of different methods to complete larger multiplications and divisions. We will be moving on to learning about fractions and decimals later on in the term.
Year 4 will be continuing to learn about living like Jesus through their units this term. In our light unit, the children study some important stories about the life of Jesus and the revelation of his presence in the world. The will also learn about some of the symbols of Baptism and their association with belonging to the Family of God.
In Geography, our unit is all about North America. We will identify the countries of North America and consider how the climate is different across the continent.
In History, Class 4 will be focusing on the Vikings. We will consider where this is placed on our historical timeline and how it links to our previous learning. Through the unit, we will be focusing on chronology and significance.
In Art, the children will be focusing on a modern artist called Stephen Wiltshire. Through this unit, the children will experiment with different materials, such as pencil and water colour. We will be exploring line and how this can create different effects through our work. This will help the children to develop their skillset and to evaluate which material is the most effective in achieving a desired outcome.
Science will be taught by Miss Grocott. Over the course of the unit, the children will take part in scientific enquiries and will set up their experiments using scientific knowledge and vocabulary.
Hola! This term, the children will learn all about the cafe! The children will learn how to order different food and drink at a cafe setting.
In Year 4, we get to go swimming! Throughout the year, we will alternate between swimming and P.E sessions to ensure the children get the most out of the curriculum.
The children will be combining their knowledge of codes and text types to create a presentation.
We will cover a range of units across the year. The next unit we will be discovering is all about pavilions. We will learn about construction and how to ensure a building is secure.
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