Homework will be set on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. The details of each week's homework will be posted weekly below.
The homework will be set on Century Tech. There will be six nuggets for the children to complete (three maths and three English) based on what we have been learning that week. The children can login here: Century Tech Login Page.
Additionally, the children should be reading for two hours every week and should update their reading diaries daily with a summary of what they have read. Once they have read their book, they need to complete a short quiz about their book on Accelerated Reader. The children can login here: Accelerated Reader Login Page.
Each half term, children must reach 5 Accelerated Reader points. Every Friday, I will be checking and signing the children's diaries and monitoring their point progress. Therefore, they must bring their reading diary in on that day.
Friday 14th July 2023; Due Wednesday 19th July 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Units of measure
- Units of time
- Start and end times
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, spelling and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Standard English
- Adjective and adjective phrases
- Reading practice - Swallows
Optional: I can't believe it's the last week of homework. For this week's optional homework, I would like you to reflect on Year 5. Create a piece of work around your favourite memories from the year. You could represent this in the form of a poem, picture, poster... it is completely up to you!
Friday 7th July 2023; Due Wednesday 12th July 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Measuring Length
- Measuring Mass 2
- Measuring Length
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, spelling and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Words ending in 'tious' or 'cious'
- Words ending in 'tial' or 'cial'
- Silent letters
Optional: For this week's optional homework, I would like you to consider your vocation. What is God calling you to do? It might be a future career, something to do with school, or your family/friends. Explain why you think God has called you to do this thing - how are you fulfilling God's vision for the world through your vocation?
Friday 30th June 2023; Due Wednesday 5th July 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Negative numbers
- Negative numbers including addition and subtraction
- Measuring mass
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, spelling and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Conjunctions
- Subordinating conjunctions and coordinating conjunctions
- Subordinate clauses
Optional: In RE this week, we have been learning about the Sacrament of Marriage. For this week's homework, I would like you to research what marriage is like in a different culture. You can choose: Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, Sikh or Greek Orthodox marriages. Create a poster about marriages in this culture, considering how it is similar and different to a Catholic marriage.
Friday 23rd June 2023; Due Wednesday 28th June 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Multiplying decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
- Dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000
- Multiply and dividing by 10 and 100
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, spelling and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Brackets, commas and dashes for parenthesis
- Relative clauses
- Punctuation in inverted commas
Optional: This week, we have been learning about Paul's conversion to Christianity and the ways he repented for his sins. For this week's homework, I would like you to tell me about a time when you did something wrong and then what you did to repent and say sorry to God.
Friday 16th June 2023; Due Wednesday 21st June 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Adding and subtracting decimals
- Rounding decimals to the nearest whole number
- Rounding decimals to 1 decimal place
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, spelling and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Fronted adverbials
- Relative clauses
- Relative pronouns
Optional: This week, we have been learning about the challenges that the Apostles and the first followers faced because of their beliefs and how they overcame them. For this week's homework, I would like you to write about one challenge that you faced in your life and tell me how you overcame it - it doesn't have to be related to your faith.
Friday 9th June 2023; Due Wednesday 14th June 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Decimal complements to 1 (2 decimal places)
- Decimal complements to 1 (3 decimal places)
- Adding and subtracting decimals within 1
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, spelling and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Subordinate clauses
- Expanded noun phrases with prepositional phrases
- Possessive apostrophes in singular words
Optional: This week, we have started to learn about the work of the Apostles after Jesus ascended to Heaven. This week, I would like you to write a prayer that links to the Apostles in some way - it might be thanking them for the work they did in creating the first Christians, or asking God to help you to be more like them. It's completely up to you.
Friday 19th May 2023; Due Wednesday 24th May 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Describing 3D shapes
- Views of 3D shapes
- Regular and irregular polygons
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, spelling and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Grammar test 1 - this will help me to identify gaps in the children's understanding
- Plural suffixes 1
- Skimming and scanning
Optional: Next week, we will be preparing to celebrate Pentecost. Throughout the Bible, we are provided with many different ways that the Holy Spirit shows itself on earth: a dove, fire, a storm. I would like the children to create a piece of art work that shows what the Holy Spirit means to them. There is an example below.
Friday 12th May 2023; Due Wednesday 17th May 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Angles on a straight line
- Angles in turns
- Identifying lines
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Possessive pronouns
- Commas to clarify meaning
- Noun phrases and expanded noun phrases
Optional: In science, we have been learning all about God's amazing creations in our world. We are particularly excited by our caterpillars which we are observing and watching grow! For this week's homework, I would like you to research, draw and write the life cycle of any of God's amazing animals! Make sure you know which animal group it belongs to!
Friday 5th May 2023; Due Wednesday 10th May 2023
No homework due to our residential retreat at Alton Castle!
Friday 28th April 2023; Due Wednesday 3rd May 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Measuring angles
- Drawing angles
- Angles around a point
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Modal verbs
- Abstract and concrete nouns
- Possessive pronouns
Optional: We are getting so excited for our residential next week and have been learning all about the theme 'Discipleship' which we will explore more deeply whilst we are there. For this week's homework, I would like you to draw/print and stick a picture of you in the middle of the page, and write characteristics/qualities of a disciple that you will show whilst at Alton Castle (e.g. commitment, resilience, teamwork).
Friday 21st April 2023; Due Wednesday 26th April 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Timetables
- Line graphs
- Two-way tables
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Determiners
- Adverbs
- Spelling rule - 'ible' and 'able'
Optional: This week we have been celebrating the wonderful season of Easter - the most important and special time in our religion, and we will be carrying on these celebrations for 50 days! For this week's homework, please write and decorate the word 'Alleluia' to display in our classroom. You can do bubble writing, decorate around the word, paint, colour... it's completely up to you. Just make it bright and colourful!
Friday 24th March 2023; Due Wednesday 29th March 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Area and perimeter
- Area of compound shapes
- Estimating area
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Word families
- Root words
- Reading comprehension practice: Endangered Animals
Optional: This will be needed to be completed over half term! During Holy Week, I would love for you to attend one of the special Easter Services that take place. I would like you to write about what it was like and how it felt to be in the church during this special, but sad, time.
Friday 17th March 2023; Due Wednesday 22nd March 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Fractions, decimals and percentages
- Introduction to percentages
- Calculating the perimeter
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Relative clauses
- Word classes
- Statement, question, command or exclamation
Optional: We have been exploring the Stations of the Cross during our morning liturgy. For this week's optional homework, please create a piece of artwork about one of the following stations that we have explored so far. You can do more than one if you like!
1: Jesus is sentenced to death
2: Jesus takes the cross
3: Jesus falls for the first time
4. Jesus meets his mother
5. Simon helps Jesus
6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
7. Jesus falls for the second time
8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem
9. Jesus falls for the third time
Friday 10th March 2023; Due Wednesday 15th March 2023
Today starts the beginning of British Science Week! Throughout the week, children will have the opportunity to engage with science lots of times! This week's homework is also entirely based upon our learning in science! The nuggets are:
- Solids, Liquids and Gases
- Separating Mixtures: Evaporation
- Dissolving
- Material Properties
- Gravity
- Friction
Optional: This week, we have been learning about Paul the Apostle and the letters he wrote in the Bible to tell people how to become good followers of Jesus. This week, I would like you to write a letter like Paul did. What would you like to say to people to tell them how to be good followers of Jesus?
Friday 3rd March 2023; Due Wednesday 8th March 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Comparing decimals
- Thousandths
- Rounding to the nearest whole number
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Brackets, commas and dashes for parenthesis
- Inverted commas
- Punctuation for inverted commas
Optional: Remind yourself of the Parable of the Lost Sheep (Luke 15: 4-7).
“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent."
During this time of lent, we recognise it is an important time to repent and ask God to forgive us for the mistakes we have made. We started this week by going to confession. For this week's homework, please complete the Lost Sheep Prayer Template (available from Miss Grocott) asking Jesus for forgiveness for something we have done wrong. These will then be displayed in our Catholic Life Folder.
Friday 10th February 2023; Due Wednesday 15th February 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Recognising place value in decimals
- Finding unit fractions of amounts
- Finding non-unit fractions of amounts
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Subject and object
- Prepositions
- Introduction to paragraphs
Optional: In RE this week, we learnt what a martyr is and how they are good Samaritans. For this week's optional homework, research one martyr and put your information into a poster or fact file. There are some ideas of who you could research below, or you can find your own martyr! Try to include how you are inspired by them. Martyrs you could research:
- Saint Maximilian Kolbe
- Saint Oscar Romero
- Manche Masemola
- Janani Luwum
- Grand Duchess Elizabeth
- Dr Martin Luther King
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Esther John
- Lucian Tapiedi
- Wang Zhiming
Friday 3rd February 2023; Due Wednesday 8th February 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Multiplying whole numbers by fractions
- Multiplying whole numbers by fractions 2
- Finding non-unit fractions of amounts
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, punctuation and reading learning from this week. They are:
- Full stops
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
Optional: In assembly, Mr Howard reminded us about 'The Beatitudes', which Jesus shared with the disciples during the Sermon on the Mount. For this week's optional homework, choose at least one of the Beatitudes and explain how you have lived it out this week.
Friday 27th January 2023; Due Wednesday 1st February 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Multiplying 3 numbers together
- Multiplying multiples of 10
- Understanding the equal signs
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, punctuation and reading learning from this week. They are:
- Verbs
- Nouns
- Relative pronouns
Optional: Every morning, we have a morning liturgy with our Year 6 prayer lead, Lily. For this week's optional homework, I would like you to write a prayer about peace which can be shared during our morning prayer time.
Friday 20th January 2023; Due Thursday 26th January 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Multiplying 3/4 digits by 2-digit numbers
- Dividing by 1 digit using short division (no remainders)
- Dividing by 1 digit using short division (remainders)
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, punctuation and reading learning from this week. They are:
- The prefixes 'in-', 'il-', 'im-' and 'ir-'
- Possessive pronouns
- Reading comprehension (vocabulary focus) - Florence Nightingale
Optional: We have been focusing on Baptism in RE, following the celebration of the Lord's Baptism last Monday. For this week's optional homework, I would like the children to learn all about their own baptism. They should ask lots of questions to find out all about it, such as what they wore, who their Godparents are, where it took place, etc. The children may like to present this in a written way, such as on a poster or an information sheet, or they can come and orally tell me. I would love to see some pictures of the children's baptisms though via Dojo!
Friday 13th January 2023; Due Wednesday 18th January 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Mental strategies for multiplication
- Multiplying 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1-digit
- Dividing 2-digit numbers by 2-digit
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, punctuation and reading learning from this week. They are:
- Fronted adverbials
- Subordinate clauses
- Homophones
Optional: This half term, we are focusing on the Catholic Social Teaching of 'Family and Community. In 2020, Pope Francis wrote a letter called 'Fratelli Tutti' which reminded us that we are all brothers and sisters and part of God's global family. For this week's optional RE homework, I would like you to write a pledge explaining what are going to do to support some of the people who are in need in God's family.
Friday 6th January 2023; Due Wednesday 11th January 2023
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by 1-digit
- Dividing 3 and 4 digit numbers by 1-digit
- Adding and subtracting mixed numbers
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, punctuation and reading learning from this week. They are:
- 'a' or 'an'
- Adding a verb in the correct tense
- Commas in a list
Optional: On Friday, we celebrated a special day - the Epiphany. For this week's homework, I would like to choose one of the following countries and research how they celebrate the Epiphany. You should use this information to create a poster/information sheet. Choose one of these countries:
- Argentina/Uruguay/Paraguay
- Austria/Germany/Switzerland
- Greece
- Italy
- Poland
- Spain
Friday 9th December 2022; Due Wednesday 14th December 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators 1
- Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Different Denominators 2
- Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, punctuation and reading learning from this week. They are:
- The 's' sound spelt 'sc'
- Commas in a list
- Root words
Optional: On Thursday, we will be having our Christmas Carol Concert. This week, please can the children practice their two carols - We Three Kings and the Angel Gabriel. Please send me pictures of them practicing - I would particularly like to see them singing with family members, friends and pets!
Friday 2nd December 2022; Due Wednesday 7th December 2022
Next week is test week. Please encourage the children to complete extra work on Century Tech and Maths Flex this week to revise what we have been learning in class.
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Comparing Proper Fractions
- Times Table Facts
- Adding and Subtraction Fractions with the Same Denominator
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar, punctuation and reading learning from this week. They are:
- Coordinating and Subordinating Conjunctions
- Possessive Apostrophes for Plurals Ending in -s
- Inference Skills - Impressions
Optional: Advent is a time of preparation. We are preparing to celebrate Jesus' birth and also getting ready for God to come down to Earth once again. This Advent, I would like you to create an Advent Calendar (templates can be provided) briefly stating one thing you are doing each day of Advent to prepare. It may be that you have prayed one of the candles on the Advent Wreath, followed in the footsteps of Jesus by being kind and forgiving, donated something to someone in need, researched about the season of Advent/important events in the Bible which let to Jesus' birth. Please return these in the New Year!
Friday 24th November 2022; Due Wednesday 30th November 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
- Comparing and Ordering Fractions
- Comparing and Ordering Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Possessive Pronouns
- Possessive Apostrophes for Singular Words
- Possessive Apostrophes for Plural Words Not Ending in -s
RE: Sunday marks the start of our liturgical year and the start of Advent. Please could the children research the four candle which are lit each Sunday during Advent and find out the meaning of each one. This is to make up for us missing our RE lesson on Monday to watch the World Cup!
Optional: Create your own Advent Wreath! This could be a drawing, painting, collage or an actual wreath. As always, please send me your pictures via Dojo as I love to see them!
Friday 18th November 2022; Due Wednesday 23rd November 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Equivalent Fractions 1
- Equivalent Fractions 2
- Dividing by 10
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Pronouns
- Relative Clauses
- Relative Pronouns
Optional: This week is Anti-Bullying Week. Through the Bible we are taught to love our neighbour as ourselves and to treat others they way we would like to be treated. At school, we have been learning about dignity and why we should always treat others with dignity as we are all made in the image and likeness of God. This year, the Anti-Bullying Alliance's theme is 'Odd Socks'. For this week's optional RE homework, I would like you to draw your own odd sock, linked to Anti-Bullying in some way (it may contain images/words showing what people can do to prevent bullying or quotes from the Bible). I would love to put some up around the classroom. I have given children templates of the sock!
Friday 11th November 2022; Due Wednesday 16th November 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Square Numbers
- Cube Numbers
- Multiplying by Multiples of 10
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Inverted Commas
- Punctuation for Inverted Commas
- Apostrophes for Missing Letters
Optional: Today, we remember those who have died during times of conflict. This week's optional RE homework is to draw and colour a Poppy and inside it write the name of someone who you are going to pray for this remembrance day. You and your family could create a cross or a wreath with all your poppies and place it onto your prayer areas at home. As always, I would love to see pictures of your creations.
Friday 4th November 2022; Due Wednesday 9th November 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Common factors
- Common multiples
- Prime numbers
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Subordinate clauses
- Noun phrases and expanded noun phrases
- Expanded noun phrases with prepositional phrases
Optional: On Tuesday, we celebrated All Saints' Day. For this week's homework, I would like you to research a Saint (it may be your favourite or you may want to use this as an opportunity to find out about a Saint you have never heard of before) and create a piece of artwork about them. You should begin by copying the blank example below and then add drawings that relate to your Saint. For example, if your Saint was St Francis of Assisi you may draw animals around him. Also think about the colours you use in your image. For example, you may do the background blue if you are doing St Teresa of Calcutta. You can do as many Saints as you would like, it would be great to get your family involved too! Please bring in any that you complete!
Blank example to copy Example
Friday 14th October 2022; Due Wednesday 19th October 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Column addition
- Column subtraction
- Checking answers using the inverse
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Homophones
- Statements, Questions, Exclamations and Commands
- Diagnostic: Word Classes
Optional: To conclude our creation unit in RE, find time to explore a part of God's creation this week (e.g. walk through the forest, to the beach, etc.). Whilst you are there, say a prayer thanking the Lord for something you see/hear (similar to St Francis of Assisi's Canticle of Creation). I would love to see images on Class Dojo!
Friday 6th October 2022; Due Wednesday 12th October 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Diagnostic: Numbers and Place Value
- Mental Strategies for Addition
- Mental Strategies for Subtraction
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our reading, grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Word Classes
- Determiners
- Poetry Comprehension: The Giant in the Garden
Optional: This week, I would love for the children to set up their own prayer area somewhere at home. A place where they can reflect, speak and listen to God. It could even be a family prayer area! They can use the classroom prayer area as inspiration. They might want to include: a candle, a cross, a Bible, a rosary, prayers etc. It can be as simple or as complex as the children would like. It would be fantastic if you could send them to me via Dojo!
Friday 30th September 2022; Due Wednesday 5th October 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000
- Rounding to the nearest 10,000 and 100,000
- Comparing and ordering numbers to 1,000,000
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Nouns
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
Optional: This weekend we will be entering into October: the month of the Rosary. The Rosary has five decades, each of which corresponds to one mystery. For this week's RE homework, please could the children research the five mysteries and present this information in any way they choose - a written text, a poster, drawings, paintings... it is completely up to them! It would be great for the children to bring in their work in to display on our prayer area and in our Catholic Life Folder!
Friday 23rd September 2022; Due Wednesday 28th September 2022
This week's maths nuggets on Century Tech all link to our Power Maths learning from this week. They are:
- Place Value up to 1,000,000
- Finding 1,000 More or 1,000 Less
- Roman Numerals Beyond 1,000
The week's English nuggets on Century Tech all link to our grammar and punctuation learning from this week. They are:
- Fronted Adverbials
- Noun Phrases and Expanded Noun Phrases
- Adding a Verb in the Correct Text
Optional: One of our Social Catholic Teachings for this half term is Stewardship of God's Creation. We have been learning about Laudato Si, a letter written by Pope Francis to every person on the earth, asking us to protect our planet. Can you write a pledge with your family about one change you are going to make in response to Pope Francis' letter? Send them to me via Class Dojo or bring them in so we can review the changes letter on in the term!
Friday 16th September 2022; Due Wednesday 21st September 2022
Due to a technical issue with Century Tech, paper copies of homework have been sent home this week. Please see Class Dojo for further details.