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St. Filumena’s Catholic Primary School


“Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future.”


Michael Palin


We teach geography to introduce the children to the world around them; of the diverse places, cultures and people that make up this fascinating planet. We teach geography to allow the children to recognise their place and impacts on the environments they belong to. We teach geography to provide the children with knowledge and skills they need to understand and support the future of the Earth.


At St. Filumena’s, the children’s journey to understanding the complexity of our globe begins with their own personal and local contexts. They build upon this year by year by venturing into the national picture and eventually into the realms of other continents. Our curriculum is designed to provide pupils with knowledge about places from all over the world and the interaction between the physical and human processes that affect them. 


We want the children of St Filumena’s to recognise that geography is more than memorising capital cities and where countries are on a map. We want the children to know they belong in a world that is constantly changing and to be fascinated by what is around them. We want the children to be prepared to go out and explore the world.



Please view the National Curriculum for Geography in KS1 and KS2:

Please view the document below which outlines the progression of knowledge, skills and concepts within each year group:
