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School Menus

School lunches are provided by City Catering. Their latest menus are attached below.

Lunches are free for all EYFS  and Key Stage 1 classes. These will be automatically be ordered each day for your child.

From September 2023, lunches for Key Stage 2 classes will be £3.40 per day.

Please make payment via the secure on-line website or request a barcoded letter from the school office to pay by cash at any local store displaying the PayPoint logo. We would be grateful if you could please ensure that accounts are kept in credit at all times to ensure that funds are available when your child takes their meal each day.

If your child would like to commence regular hot dinners, please contact the school office for more information, and to ensure that we make the relevant booking with our kitchen.

City Catering Menus: November 2024 - April 2025 (Rolling 3 Weeks)
