At St Filumena's we recognise the importance of the relationship between reading and writing because we know that when reading and writing are taught together, the benefits are greater than when they are taught separately.
The Writing Process
Time is prioritised to focus on developing the writing process with children as they move through school. The key elements of the writing process are planning, drafting, editing and revising, proofread, and then publishing or sharing.
Modelling is a key element in the teaching of the writing process, which takes place during the drafting process. This is where with teachers using 'think out loud' to guide children through how to craft a piece of writing. By modelling, the expert writer lets less experienced writers in on the big secret … What is going on in the head of a more experienced writer?
By modelling, teachers demonstrate options for planning, strategic problem solving, self-monitoring, reviewing, revising and proofreading. Teachers also show how techniques can be used or applied; they work through challenges and teach good grammar.
Our genres are planned for each year group and followed throughout the year.