Class 6
Welcome to Y6
Spring Term with Mr Huson
Exceptional Communication
We strongly believe that your child will do better if we work as a team. If you have any worries or concerns about your child, please do let us know so that we are aware. You may message on Class Dojo or, if you prefer, you can send an e-mail to the office. Alternatively, contact us on the playground before and after school if it’s a quick word you need.
Our Class Saint is: St. Maximilian Kolbe
Learning in Year 6 never stops...
Personal Challenge!
As the children begin to have ‘one eye’ on secondary school, I have challenged all of the children to complete the following two tasks before they leave our wonderful school…
- Complete a ParkRun (these are free and happen every Saturday at 9:00am!)
- Sign up to a local library and loan a book or two! Again, these are free and are invaluable local resources!
This term will continue our work on fraction, decimal and percentages, learning all three are interchangeable. We will then look at algebra and how creating rules can help us solve challenging problems.
In English we will build on our place value of grammar work by developing our descriptive writing linked with Mortal Engines. We will complete a unit on Balanced Arguments before completing the term with some poetry.
Religious Education
We will begin the term gaining an in-depth understanding of the story of the birth of Christ from the Gospel of Matthew and Luke. We will explore some images of Christ found in the prologue of John’s Gospel. Following this, children will learn some of the traditional prayers of the church and learn the signs and actions associated with prayer. During Lent, children will develop their knowledge of prayer, fasting and almsgiving as the three main Catholic obligations during Lent.
This term, we will learn the main parts of the circulatory system and describe their functions. We will learn the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on the way our bodies function and be able to describe the ways in which nutrients and water are transported within animals, including humans.
We will be learning about the effects of WW2 on the Home Front. We will learn about what life was like for evacuees and understand how propaganda was used during the war.
We will be learning about Fairtrade and sustainability. We will learn about less developed countries and inequality around the world.
We will study how music helps the world to be a better place. We will study our musician of the month alongside composition and appraisal.
We will learn about Leonardo Da Vinci; a sculptor, an architect, a poet, a composer, a scientist, a mathematician and an inventor. We will learn about his inspirations and will critique his most famous works. We will learn how to represent subject matter truthfully and show the subject as realistic.
We will be using Purple Mash to improve our data handling skills and beginning to write formulae for large calculations.
Our PE day will be on Tuesday each week, we will be looking at dynamic balance and gymnastics. After the February break, the children will be moving on to tennis.
Our work this term will focus initially on telling the time in Spanish and then saying what we like to do at weekends. We will then build both of these ideas together to form longer sentences.
All spelling patterns and words will be taught at school and children will bring home between 5-10 words each week to learn. Alongside spelling patters are the Y6 statutory words, all of which are listed below. Children should be able to spell all of these by the end of the year. Practicing little and often is the best method!
And finally, remember that in Y6, we
Thank you
Mr Huson
Year 6 Curriculum and Expectations
As a school, we report your child’s progress against these end-of-year expectations at our parent evenings during the year.
The following terms will be used:
· Your child is not on track to meet the end of year national expectations.
· Your child is on track to meet the end of year national expectations.
· Your child is on track to exceed the end of year national expectations.
Any extra support you can provide in helping your child or children to achieve these will benefit them greatly.