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Class 6

    Welcome to Y6

  Mr Huson


Exceptional Communication


We strongly believe that your child will do better if we work as a team. If you have any worries or concerns about your child, please do let us know so that we are aware. You may message on Class Dojo or, if you prefer, you can send an e-mail to the office. Alternatively, contact us on the playground before and after school if it’s a quick word you need.




Our Class Saint is: St. Maximilian Kolbe


Learning in Year 6 never stops...




Personal Challenge!

As the children begin to have ‘one eye’ on secondary school, I have challenged all of the children to complete the following two tasks before they leave our wonderful school…

  1. Complete a ParkRun (these are free and happen every Saturday at 9:00am!)
  2. Sign up to a local library and loan a book or two! Again, these are free and are invaluable local resources!



Unit 13: Geometry - properties of shapes

Unit 14: Problem solving

Unit 15: Data and statistics



This term, we will be revising all that we know in terms of spelling, punctuation and grammar in readiness for the upcoming exams! In our written work, we will be covering the following genres:

  • Adventure / Mystery narrative!
  • Play scripts- in tandem with our summer performance!
  • Persuasive Writing!

Religious Education

We will begin the summer term by looking deeply at Easter and why it is such an important time within the liturgical calendar. We will then study Pentecost, looking closely at the Holy Spirit as the children prepare themselves to receive the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation.



This term, we will be looking at the topic ‘Living Things’. Throughout our journey, we will study Carl Linnaeus’ revolutionary classification system and then look in detail at the five min groups that scientists have to classify: microorganisms; fungi, algae, bacteria, protozoa and viruses.



We will be learning about the Kingdom of Benin as a contrast to our own British history. We will work our way through the following inquiry questions:

How was the Kingdom of Benin first established?

What sort of place was Benin 1,000 years ago and how do we know?

Why did the first dynasty of Ogiso come to an end?

Why did the Victorians get involved in Benin and what were the effects on the Benin people?

Should the bronzes be returned to Benin?



This summer term, we will be learning about renewable energy and sustainability- a pertinent topic at the moment! The children will be able to debate, learn and advocate for a better future using their exceptional communication skills.



We will study how music helps the world to be a better place. We will study our musician of the month alongside composition and appraisal.



We will be using Purple Mash to create a series of interactive quizzes that present themselves in various forms- an excellent opportunity for cross-curricular learning and even more revision for SATs! The children will also look at understanding binary.



We will learn about Henri Rousseau and how proportion ensures different parts relate correctly in size to each other. We will look at how artists use their inspiration and preliminary ideas to create a final piece and then the children will create a mono-print that uses only one colour!



Our PE day will be on Tuesday each week, we will be looking at striking & fielding and cricket. After the May break, the children will be moving on to summer athletics.



Our work this term will focus initially on the Vikings and then ‘All About Me!” . We will then build both of these ideas together to form longer sentences.



Year 6 SATs Dates for 2024

These are timetabled from Monday 13th - Thursday 16th May 2024


Monday 13th May:

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 1

English Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling Paper 2


Tuesday 14th May:

English Reading Paper


Wednesday 15th May:

Maths Paper 1- Arithmetic

Maths Paper 2- Reasoning


Thursday 16th May:

Maths Paper 3- Reasoning


Useful Links for Revision:




All spelling patterns and words will be taught at school and children will bring home between 5-10 words each week to learn. Alongside spelling patters are the Y6 statutory words, all of which are listed below. Children should be able to spell all of these by the end of the year. Practicing little and often is the best method! 




And finally, remember that in Y6, we




Thank you


Mr Huson



Year 6 Curriculum and Expectations



As a school, we report your child’s progress against these end-of-year expectations at our parent evenings during the year.

The following terms will be used:

· Your child is not on track to meet the end of year national expectations.

· Your child is on track to meet the end of year national expectations.

· Your child is on track to exceed the end of year national expectations.


Any extra support you can provide in helping your child or children to achieve these will benefit them greatly.


Y6 Prayers
