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Class 3

Class teacher - Mr Killeen

Year 3 - Summer Term 2024

Please find below information regarding the curriculum this term:


This term will continue our work on fractions, in particular fractions of amounts. We will study capacity and mass, then to bring the year to a close, study aspects such as time, money, shape and statistics.


In English we will build on our writing skills within our Fables unit. We will complete a unit on Explanations before completing the term with our Poetry unit using different techniques and writing our own shape poetry.

Religious Education

Our RE work this term will begin with a study of the unit Easter after which will study units on the Eucharist to support our preparations for receiving the Sacrament during the term. We will also spend a day on retreat at Alton Castle – a great trip to end the school year.


Our science unit this term is Light - we will study how light travels and what causes and alters how shadows are formed. Our final unit of the year will be Plants. We will look at what plants need to survive and how the different parts of a plant work together for its survival.


The Romans – we will look at how this period of time saw great changes across the empire and within the UK. We will look back at how the Romans brought change to the UK and the lasting legacy that we can see today. We will study how the Romans lived and how society was shaped by their actions.


We will focus on the region of Europe and in particular the country Italy. We will look at life across the country and make comparisons to life in the UK. We will also make direct links with our area of study in history.


We will study how music makes a difference to our lives every day and how music can help us to make connections with our planet. We will also study our musician of the months alongside our studied units.


In art we will study the work of Pablo Picasso – our focus will be on his cubism work. We will study the differing skills needed and culminate in creating our own cubist self-portrait.


As part of our DT study we will be looking at food and in particular, seasonality of food. We will make a self-designed dish considering the health benefits and the seasonality of our ingredients.


We will be using Purple Mash to improve our skills in simulations, we will develop our graphing skills and finally develop our work in presentation using computing facilities.


Our PE day will be on Monday each week and this session will be delivered by Miss Edwards, Mr Killeen and Mr Huson this term. Our units will be striking and fielding and athletics. 


Our work this term will focus initially and hopefully induce some sunny weather by studying a unit based on ice-creams! We will learn different flavours and how to order different combinations. We will complete a final unit with another food link where we will learn about fruits.

Photos from the Year 3 2023/2024

Year 3 Recommended reading lists - Can you read all 50?

