School Chaplaincy
Working with our Parish priest and deacon, every week our lay chaplain is with us to support the spiritual life of pupils and staff at St Filumena’s.
Our lay chaplain works with children and staff individually, in small groups, with classes or the whole school. You will see her leading worship through our celebrations of Mass, assemblies and class liturgies. She helps to lead us in praise and even helps us to write our own prayers. She runs our dynamic and enthusiastic Mini Vinnie group and the Chatterbox. She helps our pupils to grow as Jesus' disciples, and to share the mission of the Church with the wider community.
The Chatterbox system operates in school in order to offer our pupils a listening ear. It’s good to talk!
There are times when children have worries or anxieties which it can help to voice. If a child has something they wish to speak with our chaplain about they write their name and class on a special slip of paper and post it into the Chatterbox. When she is in school she makes a few minutes to spend with children who have posted their names into the box, listening to concerns and offering support.
Children know and understand that if something is causing a lot of worry or upsetting them then they must go and speak directly with a teacher about it